Group Benefits
In helping you find the plans you need, we offer Group Health plans most commonly with the following companies. If you have any questions or would like to find out what plans are available from these companies feel free to call us at the number above or email us.
SelectHealth will be offering both regular group and Avenue H subsidy plans. To see if your business qualifies for Small Business Tax Credit click link below and then select "Small Business Tax Credit Estimator"
United Health Care will be offering both regular group and Avenue H subsidy plans.
Health Plan Arches Health Plan will be offering both regular group and Avenue H subsidy plans.
Altius offers traditional Group Health plans.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah Regence BlueCross BlueShield offers traditional Group Health plans.
Humana offers traditional Group Health plans.
The Hartford offers traditional Group Health and Long Term Disability plans.
Best Life offers traditional Group Health plans.